Update v1.04.2 - DOKI'S DOING WHAT???

So uhh, we did not expect Dokibird to be playing this game. We knew we had to piece together some last-minute QoL changes for her and all the future dragoons that might play this game, so we crunched to release an update just in time.

Here's what's new in version 1.02:

  • Pressing F5 allows you to soft-reboot the game. This is the way to get a new random background without having to close the game or open the credits.
  • Pressing R allows you to retry as soon as you die.
  • You can now go back to the game over menu from the scoreboard. This allows you to submit the same score multiple times, which I pre-emptively declare to be a feature because I doubt the programmer will want to fix that.
  • A 9-slice background that appears when your game window isn't in 4:3.
  • A mystery button.
  • The version number is now displayed on the bottom left.
  • A new splash screen to avoid the anger of Audiokinetic.

Here's what's new in version 1.03:

  • Updated credits to promote Dokibird and avoid the anger of Audiokinetic.
  • Reduced the size of the game drastically.
  • The game should now know what language your computer is in.
  • Changed max fps from 720 to 240. Whoops.

Here's what's new in version 1.04:

  • Added more dev scores.
  • Updated credits to account for more tools.
  • (1.04.2) Fixed bug where the scoreboard can duplicate.

We would like to thank Dokibird for giving our game a try, and hope that she finds plenty of things to laugh at in this small game. We may stay a bit, but new projects await us.


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